Environment endpoints ===================== .. http:get:: /api/environment/(string environmentID) Get details about the environment, including existing services :json string weburl: Environment accessible URL :>json string status: Environment status (``empty`` | ``created`` | ``building`` | ``built``) :>json integer createdAt: Datetime when environment was created :>json integer buildTime: Environment build process duration, in seconds :>json integer buildAt: Datetime when environment finished last build process :>json integer ttl: Time to life, its omitted if zero :>json integer size: Environment size in bytes :>json dict aliases: Environment aliases .. http:put:: /api/environment/(string environmentID) Create the environment. The object itself previously exists, this method setup all the services according to config. The status of the environment will go from `empty` to `created`. :query build: Option for create and build an environment (default to true) :query ttl: Option for set a custom time to live :json integer ttl: New TTl to set