API === This page describes the API used between the core and the tester. .. http:get:: /test/info :synopsis: returns all the available tests :>json array tests: Array of tests .. http:post:: /test/run :synopsis: it starts the test in the background :>json string type: type of the test :>json dict params: parameters for the test :>json string ID: ID of the test :>json string Secret: Secret for retreive status and results .. http:get:: /test/status :synopsis: fetches the status of the execution :>json string ID: ID of the test :>json string Secret: Secret for retreive status and results :>json string Status: Status of the test ( ``running`` | ``failed`` | ``finished`` ) .. http:get:: /test/results :synopsis: fetches the result of the test. Only available when the test is finished :>json string ID: ID of the test :>json string Secret: Secret for retreive status and results :>json array result: Array of results :>json string result.Label: Label of the result :>json string result.Type: Type of the result ( ``number`` | ``string`` | ``image`` | ``blob`` ) :>json string result.Content: Content of the result (base64 encoded) ----