Environment endpoints

GET /api/environment/(string environmentID)

Get details about the environment, including existing services

Request JSON Object:
  • build (boolean) – (optional) option for trigger building (default true)

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "gitRef": {
Response JSON Object:
  • weburl (string) – Environment accessible URL

  • status (string) – Environment status (empty | created | building | built)

  • createdAt (integer) – Datetime when environment was created

  • buildTime (integer) – Environment build process duration, in seconds

  • buildAt (integer) – Datetime when environment finished last build process

  • ttl (integer) – Time to life, its omitted if zero

  • size (integer) – Environment size in bytes

  • aliases (dict) – Environment aliases

PUT /api/environment/(string environmentID)

Create the environment. The object itself previously exists, this method setup all the services according to config. The status of the environment will go from empty to created.

Query Parameters:
  • build – Option for create and build an environment (default to true)

  • ttl – Option for set a custom time to live

Request JSON Object:
  • build (string) – Option for create and build an environment (default to true)

  • ttl (integer) – Option for set a custom time to live

DELETE /api/environment/(string environmentID)

Delete the environment. It wont delete the object but it will remove all the resources related, like services. The status of the environment will be set to empty except if there are more environments with the same git reference (clones).

POST /api/environment/(string environmentID)/build

Trigger the build process. To get the logs refer to other endpoint.

POST /api/environment/(string environmentID)/rebuild

Deletes (if not deleted), creates and build a given environment

GET /api/environment/(string environmentID)/build/logs

Get a WebSocket stream in real-time of the build process.

POST /api/environment/(string environmentID)/ttl

Update a running environment TTL

Response JSON Object:
  • ttl (integer) – New TTl to set