Group endpoints

GET /api/groups

Get a list of the groups

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • id (string) – ID of the group

  • name (string) – Name of the group

GET /api/group/(string groupID)

Get a list of repositories that belongs to the specified group

Response JSON Object:
  • name (string) – Group name

  • repositories (arrayRepository) – List of repositories that belongs to this group

POST /api/group/(string groupID)

Add a repository to the group

Response JSON Object:
  • name (string) – The name of the new repository

  • type (string) – The type of the repository (generic | azure | bitbucket | gitlab | github)

  • params (dict) – Parameters of the new repository, depends of the type specified

For generic type:

Response JSON Object:
  • origin (string) – Address of the git repository, in HTTP (http://… or https://…) schema or SSH (git@….)

  • username (string) – HTTP basic auth username for repository authentication

  • password (string) – HTTP basic auth passwordfor repository authentication

For azure type:

Response JSON Object:
  • orgUrl (string) – URL of the Azure organization

  • accessToken (string) – Azure access token

  • repoName (string) – New repository Azure name

  • project (string) – New repository Azure project

For gitlab type:

Response JSON Object:
  • instanceUrl (string) – URL of the instance ( if empty

  • group (string) – Group of the repository

  • project (string) – Project name

  • token (string) – Access token

For bitbucket type:

Response JSON Object:
  • workspace (string) – Workspace of the repository

  • repository (string) – Repository name

  • token (string) – Token for authentication

For github type:

Response JSON Object:
  • owner (string) – Owner of the repository

  • repo (string) – Repository to use

  • token (string) – (optional)

GET /api/group/(string groupID)/settings

Get group settings

Response JSON Object:
  • variables ([]variable) – List of defined custom variables

  • members ([]variable) – List of the group members

Repository type:

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • id (string) – repository ID

  • name (string) – repository name

POST /api/group/(string groupID)/variables

Create a new custom variable on the group

Request JSON Object:
  • string (visibility) – name of the new group

  • string – value of the new group

  • string – (optional) new visibility variable (always | buildtime)

DELETE /api/group/(string groupID)/variables/(string varName)

Delete a custom variable on the group

PATCH /api/group/(string groupID)/variables

Update the value of a custom variable on the group

Either value or visibility required

Request JSON Object:
  • string (visibility) – name of the variable

  • string – (optional) new value of the variable

  • string – (optional) new visibility variable (always | buildtime)

POST /api/group/(string groupID)/leave

Remove current authenticated user from the specified group

POST /api/group/(string groupID)/members

Add a member to the group

Response JSON Object:
  • name (string) – The email of the new member

DELETE /api/group/(string groupID)/members/(string memberEmail)

Remove a member from the group