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This page contains the instructions to get and configure the Qaack Command Line Interface.


It provides a easy a fast way to interact with Qaack from the console.

It has designed to be integrated with your local git repository. This means that it will automatically detect your branch and automatically work over the environment corresponding to it.

Compatible platforms

  • Mac OS (Apple Silicon)
  • Linux gLibC distributions (Debian and similars)
  • Windows


Qaack CLI executables are uploaded here .



You just need to move your shell path:

sudo cp qck /usr/bin


You just need to move your shell path:

sudo cp qck /usr/bin


You may login for each Qaack instance you use (for example

qck login [QAACK_URL]

It will ask for you credentials.

After that, in order to setup your repository integration, you need to run the following command in the repository root:

cd my_repository
qck setup [QAACK_URL] [REPO_ID]


Once you have qck working and configured to work with your repository, you can use it.

To select a specific environment you only need to checkout the desired branch and it will be automatically detected.


    qck <command> [arguments...]

The commands are:

    build               Build environment
    buildlogs           Get build logs
    console             Get service console
    create              Create environment
    destroy             Build environment
    help                shows help message
    launch              Open the current environment in a browser window
    login               Get token from a Qaack instance
    logs                Get service logs
    setup               Setup repository qck-cli config
    status              Get current environment status
    sync                Sync repository
    version             shows version of the application